The name of my blog was inspired by something that happened to me this week. I am a college student. As I was going around campus this week, I kept getting discouraged, kept getting upset. I saw a flier that I was originally excited about. It said "God" in large words at the top. "God" had a question mark behind it which should have given me some clue that this flier was not what I originally thought it was. Under this, I saw "we don't think so either". It was a flier for a secular group around campus. A group for atheists and agnostics and others "without a religion" around campus. Later in the week, I saw another flier that I was excited about. It said "cause the Bible tells me so" on the top. I was drawn towards the flier and was happy that God's word was being talked about on campus. Then, I saw the rest of the flier. It talked about what the bible says about homosexual relationships. This did not discourage me until I saw what group was running this "teaching". A group on campus for homosexuals and bisexuals that bash Christianity all the time. My heart sank. This was not a program that was going to teach others of God's word. This was a program that was going to misinterpret God's word, because without God in your life, it is difficult to really understand what God has for you in His word. How can you understand what God says without first knowing God exists? Without God whispering in your ear, whispering to your heart, you cannot even begin to understand His promises for you.
As I was standing there flabbergasted and about to cry, I did not realize that God was speaking to me; He was speaking to MY heart.
Last night, before going to bed, I went on GodTube. I saw a song by Newsboys that I had not heard before and I was immediately drawn to it. This song was "God's Not Dead." The lyrics touched me, but the real power, the real fire, came from the video itself. In the beginning of the video, you see these people who are looking at blogs, newspapers, and other forms of media. The people see articles like, "God is a myth" and "Man is just another animal". As I watch this video, I remember all that has happened to me this week. I remember that in my anthropology class, my professor teaches evolution of man, not as a theory, but as truth. I remember how she has bashed views of God creating this marvelous world and all the creatures in it. My mind goes to all those who have tried to convince me that I am crazy for thinking that something supernatural created all that we feel, see, smell, hear, touch and taste around us. I remember all those that have warned me of those "crazy people" that I am friends with.
As the video continues, I see those people that were in the beginning of the video (those that were seeing all the untruthful things). They then start telling the truth. One blogs about how we are made in the image of God. Another tweets (or seems to tweet) about how everything came from SOMETHING. This video really spoke to my heart. It showed me that although we may be bogged down with all the ideas and concepts of the world, God does exist and he shows this everyday. He speaks to me in ways others cannot understand unless you know the Father yourself. It showed me that I need to be bold and speak up and show others the truth so that I can plant a seed in their hearts. They may reject what I have to say. They may reject Jesus, but at least I have planted that seed. At least they have heard the truth.
So, this is what this blog is going to be about. It is going to be what God has shown me, and what I feel God wants me to share. This week, he sent me words of encouragement and told me to be bold. Next week, who knows what he will tell me, but I want to share all that God has done for me. All that he has spoke to me. All that I believe that may bring encouragement to you, the reader. I want to encourage all of you to be bold in God. I am a shy person, but I love to share and speak what God has shown me. I love to speak about what is on God's heart.
With this said, I leave you with this, a link to the video that touched my heart in hopes that it will also touch yours.